It’s Time To Check Your Website’s Contact Forms

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When was the last time you tested your website’s contact form? If it’s been a while, now might be the perfect time to give it a try. Website contact forms are the backbone of many businesses’ lead generation efforts, yet they’re often the most overlooked element. Ironically, they’re also the thing that breaks most often.

Here’s why regularly checking your contact forms is so important and what you can do to ensure they’re always working properly.

The Importance of Contact Forms

Your website contact form is one of the most critical ways potential clients or customers can connect with your business. Whether someone has a question, wants a quote, or needs more information, the contact form is often the first step in their journey toward becoming a paying customer. If that form isn’t working, you’re potentially losing leads, revenue, and opportunities without even realizing it.

Why Contact Forms Break

Website contact forms can malfunction for a variety of reasons:

  1. Plugin Conflicts: Many websites use plugins or third-party services to manage contact forms. When these plugins are updated (or not updated), conflicts with other elements of the site can cause forms to stop working.
  2. Server-Side Issues: Problems with your server, such as downtime or misconfigurations, can affect the functionality of your forms.
  3. Spam Filters: Sometimes overzealous spam filters can block legitimate form submissions or send them straight to your junk folder.
  4. Broken Code: If the code powering your form becomes outdated or corrupted, it might stop sending emails or capturing the data altogether.
  5. Email and Authentication Requirements: Many websites use email addresses linked to contact forms to send and receive messages. If your email provider updates its authentication requirements or you change your email settings, this can disrupt the delivery of form submissions. If the new settings aren’t properly integrated with your form, submissions might fail to reach you.
  6. Browser or Device Compatibility: If your form isn’t optimized for all devices or browsers, it might look fine on one platform and be broken on another.

How to Check Your Contact Forms

Now that you know why forms break, let’s talk about how to ensure yours is working:

  1. Test Your Form Regularly: Set a reminder to fill out your own contact form once a week. Try it on different browsers, devices, and operating systems to ensure compatibility across platforms.
  2. Check Confirmation Emails: Ensure you’re receiving both the internal notification emails and any confirmation messages that might be sent to the person submitting the form.
  3. Examine Spam Folders: Make it a habit to check your spam folder regularly to ensure form submissions aren’t getting lost in the clutter.
  4. Monitor Analytics: Keep an eye on your website analytics. A sudden drop in form submissions could signal that something is wrong.
  5. Use Form Testing Tools: There are tools that can help you automate testing for your forms, alerting you to any issues before they become serious problems.
  6. Update Email Settings and Authentication: If you’ve changed your email provider or if your provider updates its security protocols, ensure that your contact form is properly integrated with your new settings. Check with your hosting provider or web developer to make sure everything is configured correctly.

What To Do if Your Form Breaks

If you discover your form isn’t working, act quickly:

  • Update Plugins or Software: Ensure all of your website’s plugins are up to date. If you’re using a third-party form service, check for any updates or changes that might affect functionality.
  • Consult Your Web Developer: If the issue is beyond your technical expertise, reach out to your web developer for assistance.
  • Review Email Authentication Settings: Check your email authentication protocols, such as SPF, DKIM, or DMARC, and make sure they are set up correctly to ensure form submissions are reaching your inbox.
  • Consider Using a Backup Method: While you’re fixing your form, add an alternate contact option like a visible email address or phone number to avoid missing any leads.

Don’t Lose Business Over a Broken Form

The bottom line is this: don’t assume that your contact form is always working just because it looks fine on your screen. Regularly test it and have safeguards in place to ensure you never miss a valuable lead.

Your contact form is a small piece of your website, but it can have a big impact on your business. Taking the time to check it regularly ensures you stay connected with potential clients and don’t let any opportunities slip through the cracks.



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